5 Reasons Lab Testing is Important for Mushroom Supplements


What Are 3rd Party Lab Tested Mushroom Supplements?

Why Is 3rd Party Lab Testing Important?

• What Are the Benefits of Sourcing Lab Tested Mushroom Supplements?

Where to Find 3rd Party Lab Tested Mushroom Supplements?


In recent years, medicinal mushrooms have gained significant popularity due to all the mushroom supplement benefits for health and overall well-being. These supplements, derived from different types of mushrooms, are believed to enhance immune function, improve cognitive performance, and promote overall well-being. However, the surge in demand for mushroom supplements has also led to concerns about product quality, purity, and efficacy. This is where rigorous lab testing plays a crucial role. In this article, we will explore five key reasons why comprehensive lab testing is essential for mushroom supplements

Currently There Are No Clear-Cut Regulations for Mushroom Supplements

One significant challenge in the mushroom supplement industry is the absence of clear-cut regulations governing their production and distribution. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs that undergo rigorous testing and are strictly regulated by authorities, mushroom supplements fall into a regulatory gray area. The lack of specific guidelines and standards means that manufacturers have varying levels of accountability when it comes to product quality, safety, and efficacy.

Consequently, this regulatory gap underscores the importance of independent lab testing for mushroom supplements. By subjecting these products to comprehensive testing protocols, it becomes possible to bridge this regulatory void and provide consumers with the necessary assurance regarding the authenticity and reliability of mushroom supplements they choose to incorporate into their health routines. After all, we want to use the best mushroom supplements possible. 

What Exactly Are 3rd Party Lab Tested Mushroom Supplements?

Third-party lab tested mushroom supplements refer to products that have undergone independent laboratory analysis conducted by a reputable testing facility not affiliated with the manufacturer or seller of the supplements. These tests are performed to verify the authenticity, quality, potency, and safety of the mushroom supplements.

Third-party lab testing involves a rigorous examination of the supplement's ingredients, beneficial compounds, contaminants, heavy metals, microbial presence, and other important factors. The purpose of this testing is to provide an unbiased evaluation of the product, ensuring that it meets the highest standards and adheres to regulatory requirements. By relying on third-party lab testing, consumers can have confidence in the integrity and reliability of the mushroom supplements they choose, making informed decisions about their health and well-being.

Why Is 3rd Party Lab Testing Important?

Third-party lab testing is of paramount importance when it comes to mushroom supplements. Firstly, it provides an objective and unbiased assessment of the product's quality, authenticity, and purity. By involving an independent testing facility, potential conflicts of interest or biases are minimized, ensuring reliable and accurate results.

Secondly, third-party lab testing verifies the potency and concentration of key active compounds present in the supplement, enabling consumers to make informed decisions about dosage and effectiveness. It also helps identify and mitigate the risk of contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and microbial pathogens, ensuring the safety of consumers.

Lastly, third-party lab testing promotes transparency and accountability within the industry, fostering consumer trust and confidence in the mushroom supplement market. By prioritizing third-party lab testing, manufacturers demonstrate their commitment to producing high-quality, safe, efficacious products, and the most potent mushroom supplements. 

What Are the Benefits of Having Lab Tested Mushroom Supplements

What Are the Benefits of Sourcing Lab Tested Mushroom Supplements?

Ensure Mushroom Supplements Are Pure and Potent

Lab testing plays a crucial role in ensuring that mushroom supplements are pure and potent. Through rigorous analysis, third-party testing laboratories can verify the authenticity of the ingredients and confirm that no adulterants or contaminants are present. Additionally, lab testing helps determine the concentration and potency of bioactive compounds found in mushrooms, such as beta-glucans, terpenes, triterpenoids, or even the highly sought after HERICENONES in lion's mane extracts. This information is vital for consumers who seek the maximum benefits from their mushroom supplements, as it ensures that they are receiving a product of consistent quality and effectiveness that is in line with clinical trials and current research.

Verification of Bioactive Compounds

One of the key benefits of lab-tested mushroom supplements is the verification of bioactive compounds. Different types of mushrooms contain a variety of beneficial compounds with potential health effects, such as polysaccharides, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory agents.

Lab testing allows for the quantification and identification of these compounds, providing consumers with valuable information about the specific bioactive components present in the supplement. This verification ensures that the desired health benefits associated with these compounds are delivered accurately, giving users confidence in the efficacy of their chosen mushroom supplement.

Verification of Absence of Microbiology and Heavy Metals

Lab testing also plays a crucial role in verifying the absence of harmful microbiology and heavy metals in mushroom supplements. Contaminants such as bacteria, mold, or yeasts can pose health risks to consumers, particularly those with compromised immune systems. Furthermore, heavy metals like lead, mercury, or arsenic, if present in high concentrations, can be toxic to the body. Through comprehensive lab testing, potential microbial contaminants and heavy metal levels can be identified and quantified, ensuring that the mushroom supplements meet safety standards and pose no harm to consumers.

Maintain Product Safety of Mushrooms Sourced from Organic Farms

 For mushroom supplements sourced from organic farms, lab testing is essential to maintain product safety and integrity. Organic farming practices aim to minimize the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, but contamination can still occur from external sources. Lab testing ensures that mushrooms sourced from organic farms are free from pesticides, herbicides, and other unwanted residues, assuring consumers that they are receiving a product that aligns with their preferences for organic and natural ingredients.

COAs Listed for Full Transparency with Percentages of Beneficial Compounds

Lab-tested mushroom supplements provide an added benefit of full transparency through Certificates of Analysis (COAs). These COAs list detailed information about the composition and quality of the supplement, including the percentages of beneficial compounds present. By making COAs available to consumers, manufacturers demonstrate their commitment to transparency and allow individuals to make informed decisions based on the specific composition of the supplement. This transparency empowers consumers to select mushroom supplements that align with their specific health goals and preferences.

What Are the Active Compounds Tested in Mushroom Supplements?


Beta-D-glucans are a group of polysaccharides found in various mushroom species and are one of the primary compounds tested in mushroom extracts, mushroom capsules, or mushroom blends. These compounds have been extensively studied for their immune-modulating properties and are believed to support immune system function, improve response to infections, and promote overall wellness.


Adenosine is another active compound commonly tested in mushroom supplements. It is known for its potential cardiovascular benefits, including its ability to support healthy blood flow, regulate blood pressure, and enhance cardiac function. 

Betulinic Acid

Betulinic acid is a triterpenoid compound that is frequently analyzed in mushroom supplements. This bioactive compound has shown promising anti-cancer properties in various studies, exhibiting potential for inhibiting tumor growth, inducing apoptosis (cell death), and combating inflammation. 


Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in many plants and fungi, including mushrooms. These compounds contribute to the distinctive flavors and scents of different mushroom species. Certain terpenes, such as ganoderic acid and triterpenes, have been associated with various health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor properties. Testing for terpenes helps evaluate the chemical profile and potential therapeutic value of mushroom supplements.

Ganoderic Acid

Ganoderic acid is a specific type of triterpenoid that is often analyzed in mushroom supplements containing the Ganoderma lucidum (reishi) mushroom. Ganoderic acid has been studied for its potential anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anti-cancer properties. 

Polysaccharides Peptide (PSP)

Polysaccharides peptide (PSP) is a type of bioactive compound found in Coriolus versicolor (Turkey tail - Trametes versicolor). PSP has gained attention for its immune-enhancing properties and potential anti-tumor effects


Ergothioneine is a naturally occurring amino acid with antioxidant properties. It is found in various mushrooms and has been linked to potential anti-aging effects, cellular protection, and cognitive health benefits. 


Triterpenes are a diverse group of compounds found in mushrooms that contribute to their medicinal properties. They have demonstrated various biological activities, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer effects. 


Neurotrophic factors are important in promoting the growth and differentiation of neurons. Nerve growth factor (NGF) is essential for the maintenance of the brain (specifically the basal forebrain cholinergic system). Hericenones isolated from the medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus (lion's mane) can induce NGF synthesis in nerve cells. 

Click here to read about HERICENONES isolated from Lion's Mane fruiting bodies.

Click here to read about how hot water and ethanolic extracts (dual extracts) of lion's mane showed potent neuroprotective activity by significantly increasing the viability of H2O2-treated neurons.

Hericenones in lion's mane mushroom extract

Why Is Beta-D-Glucan Testing Important in Mushroom Supplements?

Beta-D-glucans are a key compound tested in mushroom supplements, and their analysis holds significant importance. Beta-D-glucans have been widely studied for their immune-enhancing properties, making them a sought-after component in mushroom-based products.

By conducting beta-D-glucan testing, the concentration and quality of these polysaccharides can be verified, ensuring that the mushroom supplement delivers the desired immune-boosting benefits. This testing helps consumers make informed decisions about the potency and efficacy of the product, as the presence of sufficient beta-D-glucans is essential for supporting a healthy immune system. 

Where to Find 3rd Party Lab Tested Mushroom Supplements?

Although the market for functional mushrooms is wide, it is important to be mindful of what is inside of the products you are buying. If you find the words “full spectrum”, “mycelial biomass”, or “extracellular compounds” on the label, this means the product is made from the grain substrate the mushrooms are grown on, and potentially the primordia and fruiting body, all combined and often not in extract form. Full spectrum is often advertised as a beneficial aspect of the product by some companies, but you’d need to consume much more of it to achieve the same benefits as you would from a product containing 100% fruiting body. 

Eversio Wellness carries 100% fruiting body only Canadian mushroom extracts, and they consistently practice transparency to their consumers by sharing the COAs (Certificate of Analysis) of each product. The COAs reassure consumers that the percentage of compounds that are claimed to be in the products is scientifically confirmed through lab testing. Not only does the COA confirm the percentage of beneficial constituents, but it also tests the heavy metal and microbial contents so you can be sure that your mushroom product is safe. 

In today’s digital world, there’s no better time to buy mushrooms online! If you are interested in using medicinal mushrooms to support your health, take a look at the various mushroom extract products that Eversio Wellness has to offer here

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