Women's Health & Medicinal Mushrooms: A Wellness Guide


As we celebrate International Women's Day, an occasion dedicated to honouring the achievements of women and advocating for their rights globally, it's an opportune moment to explore avenues that empower women in all facets of life, especially health. This day commemorates women's social, economic, cultural, and political achievements and marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in natural and holistic approaches to health. Among these, medicinal mushrooms have emerged as a powerful natural remedy, revered for their countless health benefits. These ancient fungi can play a pivotal role in enhancing women's health and wellness, aligning with the spirit of International Women's Day to promote a balanced and healthy life for women worldwide.


• Mushroom Research and Medicinal Mushroom Health Tips

• Reishi for Women's Health

• Cordyceps for Women's Health

• Lion's Mane for Women's Health

• Chaga for Women's Health

• Women's Achievements in Mycology


Medicinal Mushrooms for Women: Wellness Guide for Women

Women's health is multifaceted, encompassing physical, emotional, and mental well-being. From hormonal imbalances and menstrual issues to stress management and immune health, women across different stages of life face unique health challenges. Traditional medicine has often addressed these concerns with synthetic treatments, which, while effective, can have side effects and do not always align with the body’s natural processes.

Enter medicinal mushrooms – nature's hidden gems used in traditional medicine for thousands of years, particularly in Eastern cultures. These fungi are not only nutrient-rich but also contain unique compounds that have been found to offer significant health benefits. Their adaptogenic properties, which help the body adapt to stress and normalize bodily processes, make them particularly valuable for women's health.

Medicinal mushrooms like Reishi, Cordyceps, Lion's Mane, and Chaga are known for supporting hormonal balance, enhancing immune function, and providing stress relief – all crucial aspects of women's health. The beauty of these mushrooms lies in their health benefits and how they represent a return to natural, holistic wellness approaches. 

Women’s Health: Mushroom Research and Medicinal Mushroom Health Tips

In the world of natural health remedies, medicinal mushrooms stand out for their unique properties and benefits. Let’s explore some key types of mushrooms and how they may specifically support women's health.

Reishi: Women’s Herbal Health Mushrooms

Hormonal imbalances present diverse challenges, affecting women in different ways. Women may experience irregular menstrual cycles, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and menopausal symptoms. Reishi mushrooms have emerged as a significant focus in recent studies due to their estrogen-like activity, which is particularly beneficial for women experiencing menopause.

The natural decline in estrogen production during menopause triggers a variety of symptoms affecting multiple bodily systems. These include mood swings and hot flashes, against which Reishi's estrogen-mimicking properties may offer relief, aiding in a smoother menopausal transition [1]. Importantly, Reishi activates estrogen receptors, especially estrogen receptor beta, showing promise in managing mood-related symptoms like depression and anxiety [2].

Furthermore, Reishi mushrooms have shown potential in enhancing female fertility by interfering with the conversion of testosterone into DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) through the inhibition of 5-alpha reductase [3]. Elevated androgen levels, often associated with PCOS, can adversely affect fertility, leading to irregular menstrual cycles, ovulation issues, and reduced egg quality [3]. Reishi's role in reducing androgen levels indicates its utility in correcting these hormonal imbalances.

Reishi's terpene compounds may also amplify estrogen activity, which is vital for female fertility [4]. Estrogen plays a crucial role in various reproductive stages, including ovulatory follicle development and triggering gonadotropin surges necessary for reproduction [5].

Besides its hormonal benefits, Reishi is also recognized for its anxiolytic properties, attributed to its phenols and flavonoids [6]. Research has shown its effectiveness in enhancing total sleep duration and the length of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, contributing to more restorative sleep [7]. This improvement in sleep quality is critical in stress management, as adequate rest helps reduce cortisol levels, the body's primary stress hormone.

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Cordyceps: Wellness Mushrooms for Females

Cordyceps mushroom demonstrates significant promise in supporting female hormonal health, particularly regarding fertility, menopause, and associated risks. It aids in producing 17-beta-estradiol (E2), which is vital for egg maturation and uterine readiness for implantation [8]. This effect is due to its influence on enzymes crucial for E2 synthesis, highlighting its potential role in fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization.

Beyond fertility, Cordyceps is a hormonal regulator, particularly impacting hypothalamic-pituitary functions. This regulation helps maintain a hormonal balance akin to pre-menopausal levels, easing menopausal symptoms and risks associated with this transition [9]. 

A key concern during menopause is the increased risk of osteoporosis due to declining estrogen levels [10]. Here, Cordyceps offers a protective role against bone loss from estrogen deficiency [10]. Research focused on preventing estrogen deficiency-induced osteoporosis using isoflavones from Cordyceps found it effective in stopping bone loss and increasing estradiol levels while controlling LH and FSH levels [10].

Another challenge of menopause is the heightened risk of weight gain, which can lead to obesity and related health issues. Studies involving Cordyceps have shown that treatment with its extract helps reduce fat accumulation and liver hypertrophy and lowers triglyceride levels, indicating its anti-obesity effects [11]. This property of Cordyceps may also lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases during menopause [11]. 

Cordyceps also acts as an organic performance booster. It's a popular choice among athletes seeking to increase their energy, improve stamina, and extend endurance without caffeine or habit-forming stimulants. Clinical studies have shown that Cordyceps can enhance the body's energy-generation processes and raise levels of ATP, the molecules that transport energy within our cells [12]. This makes Cordyceps mushroom capsules a favoured option for those aiming to naturally boost their physical performance and energy levels.

Shop Cordyceps

Lion’s Mane: Mushroom Health Benefits

Lion's Mane is often referred to as "the brain mushroom" and has been extensively studied for its beneficial effects on the brain. Research highlights its ability to protect and promote brain cell growth, indicating its potential in treating conditions such as depression, anxiety, and neurodegenerative diseases [13]. 

A notable finding from one study is Lion's Mane's ability to stimulate Estrogen Receptor Beta (ERβ) in the brain [13]. Activating this receptor is seen as a promising approach for alleviating depressive symptoms during menopause. The connection between ERβ and mood regulation during menopause has been firmly established by several studies, positioning ERβ as a critical focus in managing mood-related symptoms in this phase [14].

Shop Lions Mane

Chaga: Women’s Health Mushrooms

During menopause, the decline in estrogen levels leads to an increase in oxidative stress, marked by an excess of reactive oxygen species. Estrogen is crucial for regulating the body's antioxidant enzymes, helping to neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative stress [15,16]. This hormonal change elevates the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in postmenopausal individuals, as oxidative stress is a contributing factor to CVD.

The Chaga mushroom is a potent ally due to its exceptional antioxidant properties, boasting one of the highest Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) values. By combating free radicals and bolstering antioxidant defences, Chaga can mitigate menopause-related risk factors [17,18].

Chaga's benefits extend to skin health, particularly in slowing aging [19]. Accumulation of free radicals accelerates skin aging, but studies have shown Chaga's protective effects against oxidative stress-induced cell damage and premature skin deterioration [19]. It even helps counteract sun-induced skin aging, reducing changes like thickening and wrinkle formation [19].

Shop Chaga 

Celebrating Women's Achievements in the Field of Mycology

As we observe International Women's Day, it's vital to recognize the contributions of women in the scientific community, particularly in mycology, the study of fungi. Women have been at the forefront of groundbreaking research in this field, contributing significantly to our understanding and application of medicinal mushrooms.

We can start by honouring pioneers like Beatrix Potter, known for her children's books but also a respected mycologist. Her contributions to the understanding of mushroom reproduction were ahead of her time. Contemporary mycologists like Dr. Elsie Maud Wakefield have furthered our understanding of fungal diseases and mushroom taxonomy.

Empowering Women Through Wellness: The Bigger Picture

Empowerment, a central theme of International Women's Day, extends profoundly into personal health and well-being. 

Understanding Health as Empowerment: Taking charge of one's health is a potent form of self-empowerment. By making informed decisions about health care, including the integration of natural remedies like medicinal mushrooms, women exercise autonomy over their bodies and well-being. This act is not just about treating or preventing health issues; it's about making a conscious choice towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Challenging Conventional Health Norms: The use of medicinal mushrooms symbolizes a shift from conventional, often pharmaceutical-dominated health paradigms to a more holistic, preventive approach. This transition reflects a broader movement of women challenging traditional norms and advocating for diverse, inclusive, and holistic health solutions.

The Role of Education and Awareness: Empowerment is closely tied to education. By increasing awareness about the health benefits of medicinal mushrooms and how to use them effectively, the article aims to equip readers with knowledge that can transform their approach to health care. This is particularly crucial in a world where women’s health issues are often under-researched and misunderstood.

Global Perspective on Women’s Health: Reflect on the global impact of natural health remedies, especially in regions with limited access to conventional health resources. The use of medicinal mushrooms can be a game-changer for women in these areas, offering accessible and affordable health care options.

A Call to Holistic Health and Wellness: We encourage readers to embrace a holistic view of health. This includes physical well-being and mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The message is clear: empowerment through health is about nurturing all aspects of oneself.

International Women’s Day: Female Wellness Mushroom Guide

As we reflect on the themes of empowerment and health, it's clear that embracing natural remedies like medicinal mushrooms is more than just a health choice; it's a step towards self-empowerment and proactive well-being. This International Women's Day, let's celebrate the strength and resilience of women everywhere by advocating for informed health choices and holistic well-being. Here's to embracing the healing power of nature and empowering ourselves in our journey towards optimal health.


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[1] Shimizu, K., Miyamoto, I., Liu, J. et al. Estrogen-like activity of ethanol extract of Ganoderma lucidumJ Wood Sci 55, 53–59 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10086-008-0992-2

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[14] Vargas KG, Milic J, Zaciragic A, Wen KX, Jaspers L, Nano J, Dhana K, Bramer WM, Kraja B, van Beeck E, Ikram MA, Muka T, Franco OH. The functions of estrogen receptor beta in the female brain: A systematic review. Maturitas. 2016 Nov;93:41-57. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2016.05.014. Epub 2016 Jun 4. PMID: 27338976.

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[19] Yun JS, Pahk JW, Lee JS, Shin WC, Lee SY, Hong EK. Inonotus obliquus protects against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis and premature senescence. Mol Cells. 2011 May;31(5):423-9. doi: 10.1007/s10059-011-0256-7. Epub 2011 Feb 22. PMID: 21359681; PMCID: PMC3887607

Comments (1)

  • Krista Powley on Jan 10, 2024

    Can you take Reishi, Lion’s Mane, Chaga and Corydyceps together at the same time for each of the individual benefits. Is there a combination that is available for the best benefits to support post menopausal women? Trying to find a starting point.

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